[日本特派記者 山林北怪桑在涉谷區惠比壽驛報導]
記者[第二次] 拜訪他們是在惠比壽的(抱一龕道場)位於地下室, 這場地同時也是中山正敏一系空手道場(台灣松濤館空手道七本書其中一張圖就是這個場地), 另外該場地也是楊名時太極拳道場, 楊名時系列的太極書局在紀伊國屋都常看到。
這次約有10人練習, 除了一便服小妹, 其他都穿空手薄道服和窄垮。
今天先練習短刀前刺和斜砍時的閃躲技巧, 與其說閃躲不如說是取位, 正是"寧可一思進,莫在一思停"。
其次練習一連串的小太刀戰鬥體式型, 和小太刀攻擊長刀, 最後是單招餵招。
課後有位先輩穿著和服, 連腰包也是傳統腰包, 害我誤以為明治時代的人來到現代了。
Hikoryu is new Japanese martial-art based on a lot of kind of traditional wudo and Tanaka Koshiro is Grand master. Kakuta san and Koshiro Grand master are good friend for many years and Kakuta san introduced me to visit and attended 1 Hikoryu class. I thank Kakuta san for this oppertunity. They agreed to let me visit the training about straw-roll cutting on (2/5) but I am sad that I have no free time then. I was at their training place at AM 08:50. I meet Coach Usui and he played Okinawa traditional karate for 30 years. They gave me 2 magazines ,about introducing Hikoryu, as gift and I was shied of not giving their any gift this time. The handsome coach taught me how to use Kodachi and I think this is some difference with iaido. Tanaka Grand master was coming and he is very kind. Tanaka Grand master was in Japanese formal tradional kimono with traditional fan. I had searched some information about this famous master on internet in advance. Coach Usui taught me about basic training structure and some basic skills and I think that using palm as weapon is like Japanese Koppo(骨法). I very appreciated deeply all people there and they are so kind to me.
日子流 http://hikoryu.seesaa.net/
道場検索 柔術 http://www.isami.co.jp/doujo/LinkList.asp?Category=0100000006
田中光四郎 日子流護身術 入門編
日子流小太刀 基本動作「組素振り」
田中光四郎 日子流小太刀
Hikoryu Tanaka Koshiro