
合氣道(aikido) 合氣武道(aikibudo)    合氣道協會(aikikai)
大東流合氣柔術(Daito Ryu Aiki-Jujustu) 合氣柔術(Aikijujitsu)
泛指日本武道(wudo) 日本武士(Samurai) 韓式合氣道(Hapkido)
柔術的子系統(sub-style of Jujutsu)
忍術(ninjutsu) 忍者(ninja) 劍術(kenjutsu)
道館(dojo) 教練(coach)  級數(degree)
木劍(boken) 跨裙(hakama) 武器(weapons); 刀knife

休息(take a break)  時間差(timing) 練習距離感(distancing)

技法(skill); 合氣道技法(aikido techniques)
閃開攻擊線(moving into a position off the line of attack)
擒拿住手臂關節(arm lock)
防禦拳打腳踢(defense against punches, kicks )

護身倒法 -ukemi受身 (falling and rolling)
道場(dojo)  敬禮(rei)    訓練(keiko)
指教(onegaeshimasu)  謝謝(domo arigato gozaimashita)
前輩(sempai)  後輩(kohai)   
訓練時攻方與守方的距離(ma ai)   
施術者、摔 、投(nage)   被施術者、受(uke)   技術(waza)    
開祖指植芝盛平先生(O Sensei)  道主(Doshu)  道場的最高指導者(Dojo cho)     
會長(Kaicho) 館長(Kancho)  師範(Shihan) 高級指導老師(Sensei)  
有段者(Yudansha)    無段者(Mudanshav)     級(kyu)     
(數字)  ichi 1 ; ni 2 ; san 3; shi (or yon) 4; go 5
roku 6; shichi 7; hachi 8; kyu 9; ju 10

[日文 - 動作名稱]
Kata dori       肩抓
Katate dori     單手抓
Kubishime       勒脖子

Morote dori     雙手單手捉(兩隻手抓住對方的一隻手腕)
Ryo kata dori   兩手抓住對方的左右肩膀
Ryote dori      雙手雙手捉(兩手抓住對方的兩隻手腕)
Shomen uchi     正面打
Yokomen uchi    斜打
Tsuki           前打(追擊、用拳頭直襲對方的腹部)
Shomen tsuki    前打上段(上段追擊、用拳頭直襲對方的臉部)
Ushiro          後抓

Aihanmi         順半身(面對面抓住對方的同一只手)

Gyaku hanmi     逆半身(左手抓右手或右手抓左手)
Omote           往前面進攻
Ura             從旁往後進攻
Kamae           站立的姿勢 、構

Ikkyo   一教  1. principle = oshi taoshi, ude osae
Nikyo   二教  2. principle = kote mawashi, kotemaki
Sankyo  三教  3. principle = kote hineri, shibori-kime
Yonkyo  四教  4. principle = tekubi osae
Gokyo   五教  5. principle = kuji-osae
Rokkyo  六教  6. principle = hiji-kime-osae or waki-katame or ude-hishigi.
Nanakyo 七教  7. principle = Yonkyo applied to back of wrist
Hakyo   八教  8. principle = kote-ori-kakae-kimi, kuji-dori = Nikyo in which
               his elbow is in your armpit and his hand is pulled forward;
               Pinning their hand with your foot
Kukyo   九教  9. principle = Inverted nanakyo
                  Irimi nage     Entering throw ("20 year technique") 入身摔
Juji nage,juji garami    Arm entwining throw ("No. 10 throw", since the
            arms form the japanese sign for 10 "+". arms crossed,
            elbows locked) 十字摔
Kaiten nage    Rotary throw. uchi-kaiten nage and soto-kaiten nage
        (inside and outside) 迴轉摔
Kokyu ho    morotetori kokyu nage or ryotemochi kokynage ude-oroshi irimi
Kokyu nage    Breath throw (There are a zillion of these in Aikido.
        Most of them just variations of the basic techniques) 呼吸摔
Koshi nage    Hip throw 腰摔
Kote gaeshi    Wrist turn-out 反手摔
Shiho nage    Four direction throw  四方摔
Tenchi nage    Heaven and earth throw 天地摔
Aiki otoshi    entering more deeply and picking up uke's off-side leg
Maki otoshi     nage ends up down on one knee, having thrown uke over
                nage's shoulder卷摔(?)
Suni gaeshi    corner throw角摔(?)
Sumi otoshi    Corner drop 角落(?)
Tai-atari uchi otoshi    from yokomen-uchi, entering and blocking.,
            uke gets thrown backwards 身體內落(? 什麼東西)
Ushiro udoroshi        pull down from behind (後方XXX)
Kokyu dosa    Breath-power movement (from seiza) 呼吸運動
Ganseki otoshi    Arm bar with elbow braced over shoulder 岩石摔(?)
Katagatame    A variation of Kaiten nage where you lock your
        opponents shoulder and bring him directly to the
        ground in a lock 肩固法(?)

    創作者 山林北怪 的頭像

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