(Dr.Shock此型號 m-6100a-m-6210, 保證比你把到的妹還合嘴, 買完這個你會愛上這個口感, 你只能面對跟妹分手的命運)
███ 牙套使用法 █
1.有附長長的鏈柄, 把柄插入牙套前端的孔 (下圖右方是長鏈柄)
2.連同鏈柄和牙套一起放入已煮沸的水中剛好90秒 (上面左圖)
5.看鏡子將牙套套上上排牙齒, 由臼齒往門牙方向壓好, 咬合牙齒使穩固
6.再次以吸力和手指力量, 將牙套往外外上壓約20秒
7.取出牙套放入冷水30秒, 在放入嘴中看看是否適合 (上面右圖)
8.若不合嘴, 則一再重複1-8步驟
(就像嬰兒需要奶嘴, MMA武者需要一個好牙套)
1. Fill saucepan with 3 to 4 inches of water. Bring water to a boil.
2. Plug the helmet tether strap into front of mouthguard.
3. Remove water from heat source. Let water stand for 30 seconds, then place mouthguard in water for 90 seconds. Do not exceed 90 seconds.
4. Carefully remove mouthguard from hot water with a slotted spoon. Do not remove tether.
5. Cool mouthguard under tap water for 1-2 seconds only to bring surface temperature to a comfortable level.
6. Lick your lips before placing mouthguard in your mouth.
7. Watching in mirror, line up mouthguard carefully with the centerline of upper teeth. Fit mouthguard onto and around upper teeth and press firmly into molars first then front teeth. Do not remove tether.
8. Bring lower jaw forward and up into base of mouthguard with teeth in alignment with lower channel.
9. Close mouth while biting down hard on mouthguard. Suck in strongly and use fingers to press edges of mouthguard onto teeth and roof of mouth through lips and cheeks for 20 seconds.
10. Remove mouthguard and cool under tap water for 30 seconds. Replace into mouth and test for a good, firm fit.
11. Repeat steps 1 through 10 if fit is not accurate.
12. Tether may now be removed.
███ 牙醫特製薄牙套 █
███ 牙套放置盒 █
外國有賣專用盒蠻貴的, 台灣有的有付牙套盒, 其中有的很不好開關且易壞, 像是下面左圖是Bad girl有付牙套盒, 我在想牙套女生用跟男生用差在哪阿? 是可以塗口紅?
我推 :
1.目前最省錢最好用的是名片盒, 不怕摔且好開關, 就算打壞了再換一個也不心疼 (本網誌獨創想法, 分享出處需註明本山林北怪)